- DIFFERENT CHEW TOYS: A nice assortment of hay and wild flower pressed chews,apple stick chews,bamboo sticks chews and rope type chews.YIXUND rabbit toys includ 3 heart green timothy biscuits,2 green dried grasses balls,2 lollipops,1 seagrass ball,1 wicker ball,1 apple wood molar string,1 wicker carrots,apple sticks,sweet bamboo sticks and timothy hay sticks.
- NATURAL RABBIT TOYS: Good variety of rabbit chew toys,made from natural materials,such as apple wood,bamboo sticks,timothy grass,wild flower and hay, that are safe for your pet to chew on. Pleasant grassy and flower smell.You can give one bunny toy at a time to make them last longer.
- Molar Care: YIXUND hamster toys are designed to help keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy. The natural materials help to scrape away plaque and tartar buildup, while the texture of the toy helps to massage the gums and keep them healthy.Really good for hamsters and get short teeth.
- ENTERTAINMENT: YIXUND guinea pig toys are designed to keep your pets entertained for hours. The bright colors and interesting shapes will keep your pet engaged and help to reduce boredom.They will enjoy chewing and playing with them; take them back and forth and take turns nibbling;jump off the ground and runs around like crazy for them;pick these up and “toss” them in the air;throw them around.Thank you for the new and appropriate things to chew on, instead of your carpet!
- APPLICABLE:YIXUND bunny toys are designed to keep your pet active and entertained,provide your pet with hours of entertainment and exercise,bring joy and laughter to your pet. Ideal for Bunny,Rabbits,Chinchilla,Guinea Pigs,Hamsters,degus,quirrels,gerbilsor other rodents.
Product Description
- YIXUND guinea pig toys are designed to keep your pets entertained for hours.
- The bright colors and interesting shapes will keep your pet engaged and help to reduce boredom.
They will enjoy chewing and playing with them;
Take them back and forth and take turns nibbling;jump off the ground and runs around like crazy for them;
Pick these up and “toss” them in the air;throw them around.
A nice assortment of hay and wild flower pressed chews,apple stick chews,bamboo sticks chews and rope type chews.
YIXUND rabbit toys includ 3 heart green timothy biscuits,2 green dried grasses balls,2 lollipops,1 seagrass ball,1 wicker ball,1 apple wood molar string,1 wicker carrots,apple sticks,sweet bamboo sticks and timothy hay sticks.
Good variety of rabbit chew toys,made from natural materials,such as apple wood,bamboo sticks,timothy grass,wild flower and hay, that are safe for your pet to chew on.Pleasant grassy and flower smell.You can give one bunny toy at a time to make them last longer.
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